# Sci-Cheat

  • What: This is an exploratory data analysis python package that I developed to save time when working with new datasets. Leveraging packages such as skearn, pandas and seaborn, this tool provides quick and easy insights into tabular datasets including distributions, correlations and feature importance. While it works quite well with standard tabular data, I wouldn't recommend using this package as I no longer maintain it.
  • When: 2018

# Package

# Installation

pip install scicheat


git clone https://github.com/andrewjkuo/scicheat.git
python setup.py install

# Usage

  • Import the PrimaryAnalysis class
  • Load in a pandas dataframe and specify the target variable
  • You can run specific methods or just use run_all()
from scicheat.dataloader import PrimaryAnalysis

pa = PrimaryAnalysis(df=df, target='y_col')

# Demo

A demo notebook showing the functionality is available HERE (opens new window).