# Everything is Everything
- What:
- About: This is a playlist of all the songs I've loved before. Streaming services are fine but one thing I miss about my iPod is scrolling through my library and rediscovering songs I liked 10 years ago. The thought of forgetting about a song fills me with dread so now I document everything in this playlist like some psychotic digital horder. And yes Limp Bizkit did make the cut... "N 2 Gether Now" is class.
- Stats:
- ~7000 songs
- ~2000 artists
- ~500 hours
- When: 1991 - Present (this is my life's work)
- Who: Me
# Playlist
# Live Stats
# Artist Clustering
- Includes all artists with 2+ songs in the playlist
- Artists are plot based on average acousticness, age, danceability, energy, instrumentalness, liveness, positivity, speechiness and tempo.